
Please note that this is an early draft of the BAI project whitepaper and many aspects described herein are currently under active research, development, and legal validation.

The BAI project team reserves the right to make changes to the project details, tokenomics, timelines, and other elements presented in this document.

The intent of this document is to provide an overview of our vision and current strategy, but it is important for potential participants to understand that the execution of this strategy will evolve over time based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to technology developments, legal and regulatory changes, and community feedback.

Before making any decision to participate in the BAI project or purchase BAI tokens, please ensure you stay updated with the latest information, which will be made available on our official website and communication channels.

Participation in the BAI project and purchase of BAI tokens is subject to your agreement with our Terms of Service and acceptance of our Risk Disclosure.

Last updated